G20 in Hamburg

One week ago the G20 Summit took place in Hamburg. This was quite a coincidence for me, as it happened to overlap with my visit, which means that I was now present for two G20 conferences, as the same conference took place in Pittsburgh back in 2009. However, both the reactions to and the direct impact on my own life differed between the two summits.

German School's Newspaper Article: A Bit About Trump

This past winter, my school in Germany asked me to write an article about Drumpf for their school paper. The article was originally in German, but I just finished translating it and wanted to share it at the same time as the G20 Summit begins in Hamburg, and as the second edition of the school newspaper is about to be released:

A Goodbye Letter to All of My Friends

As many of my friends go off to college, the military, or wherever else their life may take them, I wanted to take a moment to share with them a bit of advice, or rather my feelings on the bittersweet moment that is saying goodbye to someone. Of course, no post would be complete without referencing something German…

Biking Around the United States

One of my best friends, a fellow CBYX 2015-2016 Alumnus and a buddy of his are currently biking up to Niagara Falls. They started out in Washington D.C. and took rail trails up to Pittsburgh, where they stopped to visit for the night. The following interview catalogs their experiences along the trails so far.

Leo Babauta and the 44 Training Program

One of my favorite authors of all time, Leo Babauta, the author of Zen Habits, recently created a video training program on "Turning Uncertainty to Find Mindful Openness" as a birthday gift to his readers. But, I'm sure he can explain it better than I can. I will be following along for the next 44 days of life, starting tomorrow. I'd love it if you would consider joining us :)

A Nice Walk in the Rain

A few days ago, I was lucky enough to drive up from Seattle to Mount Rainier. When we left, it looked like it was going to be the only sunny day we had all trip, so we wanted to take advantage of it and get a close up view of the oft hidden peak. As someone who traditionally adores the sun, and will do anything possible to avoid getting wet in the rain, the chance to get out in the uncharacteristically pleasant weather was too much to pass up.

The Importance of the Books We Read

Last year while catching up on some of my favorite blogs from the US, I stumbled across the site Wait But Why. While reading over this new blog, I came across a post called The Tail End. This post opened my eyes to the briefness of many things we take for granted in life.