Schule in Deutschland

One of the most common questions I receive is "What is school like in Germany?". This post will attempt to answer that question in as much detail as possible.

My Friend, the Olympian

Nathan Vislosky, one of my oldest and closest friends earned the honorable opportunity to play in the Federation International Roller Sports (FIRS) Inline World Championships, or Junior Olympics. He flew to Italy and played all last week. I joined him yesterday to celebrate by spending some time vacationing throughout Northern Italy.

Sports in Germany

As my time in Germany sadly comes to an end, I thought it might be interesting to talk about some aspects of German Culture different from those of US Culture.

Skipping Dance Class

For the past 6 months I have been taking dance lessons. Dance Class for most men in the US is often viewed as anywhere from ridiculous, to subtly acceptable as wedding preparation. Here in Hamburg however, it is not only widely accepted, but seen as a right of passage for both boys and girls.

Cracking the Coconut

At the beginning of my exchange year, The American Field Service, or AFS (my study abroad organization) told us that Germans are sometimes a bit like coconuts.

April 2016 Reflection

Looking back on my exchange so far, I think I've really done a good job of getting the most out of my time here. Without giving it a second thought, some people might think that means I've travelled all around Europe or taken a trip every other weekend. However, what that means to me is that I have lived my life here in such a way that it doesn't feel like vacation, but instead, simply as if I am living my life in Germany instead of in the US.

Zur Halbzeit

Today I had the privilege of giving the second week of Parlamentarisches Patenschafts Program Stipendiaten (Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Scholars) a tour of Hamburg. After leaving school a bit early, I headed into town to meet up with everyone.