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 Here I document my adventures in travel, lifestyle, and thinking differently with the hope of broadening people’s perspectives. I hope you enjoy!

Introvert vs. Extrovert

Introvert vs. Extrovert

The topic of intro- and extroversion came up in conversation recently, and I was surprised to hear just how many people misunderstand the term’s full complexity, and how important it is in the context of understanding your self.

Practically speaking, it‘s all about where you get your energy or go to recharge. You can be introverted but love socializing (like me) or you can be extroverted but still enjoy solitude. Perhaps it seems basic, but by understanding which you are, you can rest and recharge more effectively-whether through social interaction or solitude.

I‘d wager that most people already have a good sense of how they re-energize, but there is still a bit of stigma around being introverted. Although confidence takes us far in many settings, introversion and being shy are two different things, and one does not mandate the other. In this way, it is important to understand the difference in ourselves in order to live as happily and healthily as possible.


Photo is a wooden bear carving at the Kokando Medicine Museum in Toyama. They luckily had a video in English too, and it explains Toyama’s history as an important place for medicine. In the past, they had a practice of leaving medicine at peoples’ houses, and only charging customers at the end of the month for what they used.

Interning in Germany

Interning in Germany

Best of Pittsburgh

Best of Pittsburgh