Here I document my adventures in travel, lifestyle, and thinking differently with the hope of broadening people’s perspectives. I hope you enjoy!
Here are my reflections on 2023. They include starting graduate studies at UPenn, visiting a new continent, and continuing to work on consistency in my core habits.
Another year has gone by without me making any regular posts. That was one of my goals for 2022 that fell by the way side. Thankfully, I made solid progress on my other goals. While I hope to return to regular posting at some point down the line, that likely won't be for a few years. Still, I will be posting these yearly reflections to catalog growth on my habits and show some signs of life on the site.
Hey! It's been a while.
These past 20 months have been a bit of a blur, but after a prolonged hiatus, I decided it was time to return to writing. Although 2021 was the first year without posting since 2014, it was not without its own busyness.…
This week I'm sharing a recipe a friend created to make bubble tea at home. During these abnormal times, having some small rituals reminiscent of life pre-pandemic can help bring a bit of normalcy into our lives. Enjoy!
Ever since I was a kid, I've wanted to own an island. It started with a plan to own a Hawaiian Island with a set of 5 bridge-connected tree houses with trampolines to get up to them. That expectation was tapered over the years, and I began to think that buying an island wasn't feasible. Then I discovered